# Auth proxy

You can configure 2FAuth to let an HTTP proxy handle authentication. In this case, 2FAuth will consider you logged in as long as you are authenticated at proxy level. This is particularly useful if you want to deploy 2FAuth behind a service like Sandstorm or behind an Auth server like Authelia.

2FAuth will check for an HTTP header, named REMOTE_USER by default, in every request from the proxy. (see RFC3875)

# Enable the proxy guard

Set the AUTHENTICATION_GUARD environment variable to reverse-proxy-guard to enable the auth proxy authentication.

In your .env file:

# Define the header value

The REMOTE_USER header can take any value. For 2FAuth, its value is the username of the user account to consider authenticated.

If you already have a user account in 2FAuth, set the REMOTE_USER header value (at proxy level) like the name field of your account.

If you do not have a user account yet, or if you want to be authenticated as a brand new user, set the header to a fresh value, 2FAuth will take care of creating the account for you.

# Customize the header name

You can customize the header name by setting the AUTH_PROXY_HEADER_FOR_USER environment variable to match a specific proxy configuration. For example, if the proxy header is 2FAUTH-User, then set AUTH_PROXY_HEADER_FOR_USER as such:

In your .env file:
# if the proxy header is '2FAUTH-User'

Some proxies may add a prefix to headers, like HTTP_. You have to add it to your headers name as well.

In your .env file:
# if the proxy prefix is 'HTTP_'

# Additional header

You can configure 2FAuth to check for an additional header that contain the authenticated user email address. This header may or may not exist depending on the auth proxy configuration. Its name should be declare using the environment variable AUTH_PROXY_HEADER_FOR_EMAIL.

In your .env file:
# if the proxy pushes a header named REMOTE_USER_EMAIL

As long as the header is sent by the proxy, its value will be used by 2FAuth as the user email address.

If the header is no longer sent (or is ignored), the user's email will be fallbacked to a fake @remote email adress by 2FAuth.