# Upgrade

# Self-hosted server

Update the source code in /var/www/2fauth (see Get your 2FAuth copy)

Depending on how you update your files, you could have to set the permissions again:

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/2fauth
chmod -R 775 /var/www/2fauth

Update the dependencies by running:

composer install

# or if you didn't add composer to your system PATH
php composer.phar install

Then start the installation wizard by running:

php artisan 2fauth:install

The wizard automatically runs the following commands:

php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
php artisan migrate
php artisan passport:install
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache

# Docker

The Docker image 2fauth/2fauth is built on every commit pushed to the master branch.
You can therefore pull the image with docker pull 2fauth/2fauth and restart the container to update it.

You can also use tagged images, see Docker Hub tags, which are produced on Github releases.

# YunoHost

  1. Open the System update manager from the Yunohost Admin
  2. In the Applications section, click the 2FAuth button
  3. Wait for the installer to complete its job

You can also upgrade using the YunoHost command-line:

yunohost app upgrade 2fauth